Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dangers of gaming.

What's your build?

Throughout this article, when I use the term ‘games’, I am exclusively referring to computer and console games. As for my opinion on other games involving physical exertion or the use of a board, I’m actually very supportive of their use. I also believe computer games CAN be beneficial, IF played in moderate amounts. Naturally, not every gamer is going to turn out to be a loony with no hope of a future. In any case, suffice to say I’m just an ex-hardcore gamer (10hours+ per day for years) who will speak to whomsoever will listen. This section, is my opinion, and an opinion I hope some others out there will share.

Gaming addiction can ruin you.

25 years ago, they had classic games that ran on the simplest of concepts; Pac-man, Tetris, or Space Invaders being prime examples. We all remember those good ol’harmless games right?

In modern day, we have games that can link thousands of people all over the world in alernate virtual universes (MMORPGs). Sounds like something from the matrix doesn't it? As technology improves, games are gradually and steadily growing in appeal with every generation. Also, our tolerance for the amount of violence or sexual content portrayed on screen is subtly slacking with each passing of a decade. Nobody can dispute this. Reality is in fashion, and soft-core fantasy just doesn't interest the new wave of mature-aged audiences.

One has to ask himself, if games have evolved this much over such a relatively short amount of time, what will games be like in another 20 years? The internet allows limitless multiplayer capabilities, and judging from the calibre of the mechandise available to us today, it won't be long till we have replicated a VR world which is an exact copy of 'reality'. Not unlike drugs. Not unlike the matrix. (Great movie by the way)

The ironic thing is that when we buy a game, it’s often for small children, who at their naïve sponge-age, should be the LAST audience we expose this material to. It’s easy as hell to pop them daily in front of a screen and leave games to raise our children as indoor zombies just so we can escape the parental grind, so it's understandable that most people are exposed to mind numbing entertainment at least some part during their lives.

Not to say that nothing is being done. However, it’s something we’re hardly taking seriously enough. Social, mental, financial, and physical degradation is inevitable for any ‘hardcore’ gamer, and the technological director of modern gaming is creating perfect environments for them to multiply. I'm confident one day we’re going to have to confront some sort of problem with the potential impact games can have on society.

Scoff if you will, but nobody understands an addiction like an addict. Unfortunately, history has shown humans tend to prefer treatment over prevention; and I can do nothing but speak and hope.


Jeannie said...

Hey Mr Tan,
Gaming is not dangerous. There are incredible creations... kingdom hearts, final fintasy, wow, diablo, etc etc and the list goes on. Without which I would have spent countless hours doing something less constructive... haha :P But it is addictive. It depends on the person... haha... :P Erm and the point about little children... don't give little kids those kinda games have you not heard of those harmless games which were invented for their age group? Anyway games in moderation are good! :P I agree... whee I have a new blog to read... and I'm the virgin comment... haha! winnnnnnn...

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you. game become dangerous when someone's addicted to it. i was one of them. i used to play game whole day without doing anything else. my life was so messed up. during that time, i was just thinking bout the game all the time. i din attend my class, din finish up my assignment, din study for my exam and as the results my cgpa drop drastically. i rather stay at home all day playing games than going out coz i feel like whenever i go out, i'll just wasting time as i can use it to play the game and i had so many argument with my family due to my game addiction. well, now i'm building back my life and play games once in a while ^^

negatron said...

Games are addictive. Different games attract different people. I guess it all boils down to personality, taste, surroundings etc. But one thing stays the same, and thats why we play them. It's escapism. I remember the days when I had my Sega, and cracked on the Sonic everyday. My reasons were less clear back then. It was due to boredom more than anything (escaping boredom?). Now I am old enough to know better, but I can't stop. Sometimes I am in the mood to play an in depth single player game where I just lose myself in the character I am controlling, and other times, I feel like playing against real players. This is where it starts to make sense. The charm of multiplayer is the interaction with real players, so the satisfaction rings closer to home when you win. This is how I make myself feel better about myself. In the game I play I am one of the top dogs and I feel great playing. But in reality I am escaping my real life in which I am a 21yo without a drivers license and a part-time job at KFC. It is clear why I escape to play video games. This is how I feel good about myself. But how is it helping me in the long term?! It's preventing progression towards goals. It is keeping me in my '21yo without a license working at KFC' status. It cures boredom, provides a holiday from real-life but prevents progression. This is why games and certain people without strong enough self control are a dangerous mix. Don't get me wrong.. In moderation, games in my opinion are quite possibly the greatest thing for social behavior. But if you don't put a cap on it, you wont level up in life.