Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Philosophy

1 - There is no right or wrong.
Perceiving whether something is right or wrong is merely a fabrication of one's own opinion.

What may seem to be deemed as "good" or "justified" may seem to be "evil" to another. Good and evil, right and wrong, is all fictional.

The good you do today, may be used for evil tomorrow. And visa versa. This leads me onto my next philosophy..

2 - There are infinite paths in life. Be joyous for every step of the way.
The path you choose, is yours alone. And happiness, is not determined by what this path is, but how you recieve it.

You are unique. There are infinite choices in life. Daily, you decide whether to simply live or die.
Everything you do, is a choice you make. In life, we have too much to appreciate, to ponder on regrets. No path is more right than another.

Happiness is psychological. It's in your mind. Your attitude. Your aura. Understand yourself.. love yourself.. love everything around you.. love the path you've taken, and you've already achieved something that millionaires would spend their entire fortunes to get a glimpse of. Love of life.

Who's to say how the wind blows? We are simply but kites caught in a storm called life. Which brings me onto my next philosophy..

3 - The meaning of life is found within.
You are unique. Your soul is unique. Your meaning in life will be found, not from others, but from within yourself.

If you've ever seen a mother lose her child.. you see the meaning of life.

If you've ever seen a man fail to protect his family.. you see the meaning of life.

If you've ever lost your best friend.. you see the meaning of life.

If you've ever seen your best friend, your father, your mother, your own child, your mentor, your peer, your idol, or your god.. If you've ever seen them say "thank you for being here with me", you see the meaning of life.

Everyone, has their own meaning in life. Not everyone knows what it is. Some only realise what it is when they lose it.

"What is the meaning of an asteroid floating through space" ?

Which brings me onto my last philosophy..

4 - Balance love and hate.
This is life.

There is no right or wrong.

There is no good or evil.

But there is love and hate. We all feel it. We all know it. All emotions stem from these 2 'sides'. Some call 'love' the good side, and 'hate' the evil side. I call neither good nor evil. They are emotions of life. One is as necessary as the other, to keep the balance in the circle of life.

Consider this :

You see a man kill someone you love in front of you in cold blood.

Sometimes, one may be filled with revenge.. the emotion of anger.. a need for revenge.. a vendetta. We all know it. We all feel it. If you see someone hurting your family, or anyone dear to you, you want to hurt them back. You want them to feel the pain they inflicted upon the one whom you hold dear.

At this very moment, you feel alive. Like you've been given a purpose. Your strength grows, as does your conviction. Your senses spiral into a scope of hate to hurt another individual. This is life. The soul is on fire with hate fuelling it.

I have seen this rage before, many times... and it's powerful. However, as yin is to yang, everything has balance. And the only thing to counter this would be an overwhelming force of love i.e. The intention to protect.

Consider the above situation with a slight twist :

You see a man about to kill someone you love.

At this very moment, you feel very alive.. for a very different reason. The person you love is in danger. Every instinct, tells you to do everything in your power to protect this person. You would die to save them.

Hate is power. Love is power. An individual without either is lifeless.

Hate to love.
Love to love.
Love to hate.
Hate to hate.

It's just one circle of balance, as everything in this universe seems to be.

No wonder we always get boggled and confused. We're always moving forward, and end up where we started like hamsters on a wheel.

Perhaps we should just stop one day, smile, and smell the roses.

These philosophies are of my own opinion, and not on show for debate, but rather to let those who know me, know me just a little bit better. Whether you agree or not is entirely up to you.

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