Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm back - A declaration

Well, I'm in Australia now. It's been a solid 3 months since I last wrote. Just couldn't bring myself to be bothered to write.. I suppose it was the feeling that I was probably writing more for others than myself. Regardless of the prior circumstances, today I write for my own peace of mind.

I'd have to say things are moving along pretty smoothly. Plans plans plans.

Something that has been on my mind has been change. I look around me at all types of people, and I've concluded that the absolute worst thing a person can be is a fake. No matter what a person is like, they should do the honor of being true to themselves. But what if you don't like the person you are? How do you change who you are... without being a fake?

How does a poor man imitate a rich man, without appearing that he's trying too hard? Or how does a boy expect to act like a man when he looks like he's 15?

They say the change is gradual... I certainly hope so, cos it doesn't feel like I'm ever gonna change. haha

So I won't deny, the load is getting heavy, motivation is waning, and dreams are often flickering as if at any moment, I'll forget what they are.

Getting rich is harder than I thought. Skeptical eyes everywhere... a storm is brewing. Gotta start keeping this thing updated again. :)


Jeannie said...

go tony tan! its been frigging ages since i last read a post on your blog... good one at least i know ure alive!! btw when are u coming to perth? u better be otherwise im gonna crash at yours and annoy you in sydney... im warning u... u dont really want that cos u wont be able to get rid of me... muahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Wow. All this sounds kind of familiar. Have we been through this discussion before? :)