Thursday, April 12, 2007


Women are from Venus, men are from Mars.

"A highly effective seducer knows that every rejection is one step closer to sexual prosperity."


This is an amusing quote I came across in the current book I'm reading, 'How to succeed with women'. I don't really think it's true, since alot of guys don't learn from their mistakes when it comes to seduction. However, upon discussing it with a couple of friends, I have copped quite alot of flak for even considering reading such material. Embarrassing, unnecessary, time killers, they say.

True to a degree, I agree. lol

But, interesting nonetheless. Imagine a rules book that ultimately guarantees you sex should you follow their fool-proof step by step process. Brilliant! Though absolutely retarded in concept, it makes for a fascinating read. What to look out for, what not. e.g. When calling over the phone, keep conversations short. Never call for no reason, and try to limit the amount of calls to twice per day. etcetc.

I actually agree with quite a few of the points in this book. And I do have my fair share of friends who could learn a thing or 2 from it. *grin* (You know who you are) Also, the book was made upon thousands (as-stated) of opinions and countless studies of the most effective seducers in the business. So the validity of at least some of the material has some truth in it.

Needless to say, this doesn't change the fact that it's a hilarious ride of giggles. I was thinking maybe taking this book on the LRT and opening it for all to see the title, brazingly reading aloud certain pointers such as "Chocolate helps stimulate a feeling of sensual relaxation". At this point, I'll pull out a bag of m&ms, then wink at every female within winking distance. A wiggle of an eyebrow, a blink of an eye, a pelvic thrust into the air (Okay, maybe not that last one).

Ultimately, if anyone chooses to read such a book; I actually don't discourage it. It's an important skill in life to learn to be able to effectively attract the opposite sex, and if you're just not getting it right, perhaps you can gain a few pointers from the pages in white. I mean.. if you're not interested in the whole game of love, then I think you need to re-evaluate the way you see yourself and members of the opposite sex. To love them, is also to respect them for the way mother nature intended them to be, and also the way mother nature intended you to be. Nobody hates to be called attractive, and if 'looking good to the opposites' allows you to better be yourself with more confidence in front of the people you're supposed to be attractive to, isn't it worth looking into?

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

haha pretty funny! have u tried out your new techniques yet on the thousands of unsuspecting malaysian females in a radius of 10 metres around you? let me know how the experiment goes... go tony go tony go...